6 Ways to Clear Trapped Emotions (How Emotions Affect Our Health)
- That makes me want to throw up,
- That gave me goosebumps,
- They wear their heart on their sleeve, etc.
"The inside of the body retains the invisible memory of scars, pain and stress". - J.P Barral
Why Do Our Emotions Get Trapped in our Body?
“Psychosomatic phenomena occur when emotional residue pours into our organs. As long as this process remains within acceptable boundaries and doesn’t put our lives in danger, it is a positive phenomenon that helps us maintain our mental health”.
"As our feelings change, this mixture of peptides travels throughout your body and your brain. And they're literally changing the chemistry of every cell in your body". - Candace Pert
6 Ways to Clear Trapped Emotions
1. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
EFT involves tapping acupressure points in the upper body while stating affirmations to help clear negative thoughts or emotions. There are programs you can follow or you can create your own affirmations.
2. The Body Code
The body code is a way of assessing the body for ailments using muscle testing. Then treating the body by swiping a governing meridian. This process can help clear emotions as well as other problems you may be experiencing. For more information I suggest reading the book "The Body Code" by Dr. Bradley Nelson.
3. Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)
NET, similar to The Body Code, also uses muscle testing & other forms to test and clear emotions. This uses a combined technique approach to finding what is contributing to your pain or injury.
4. Osteopathic Treatment
Manual Osteopathic Treatment can help to release emotions by freeing up tissues in the body. The ability to treat viscera or organs in our techniques can help remove emotions & free up the tissues surrounding.
5. Somatic Exercises
Somatic exercises are movements performed with a focus on how you're feeling inward. There are many different forms of somatic exercise but the focus is always to bring awareness on what's happening internally.
6. Breath work
Similar to somatic exercise, there are a lot of different breathing techniques you can use to release emotions. Longer guided breath work sessions are usually beneficial when trying to release emotions.
"Getting rid of your old emotional baggage may just bring you a new sense of balance, a new inner calm, and a profound healing where nothing else has before." - Dr. Bradley Nelson
"Self-regulation depends on having a friendly relationship with your body. Without it you have to rely on external regulation - from medication, drugs like alcohol, constant reassurance, or compulsive compliance with the wished of others." - Bessel A. van der Kolk, M.D.